EarthScope - Research Experience in Solid Earth Sciences for Students
This program combines structured mentoring, ongoing research internships, and a supported learning community, for undergraduate students from underrepresented groups in an effort to increase the diversity within solid earth sciences
SAGE – Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience
A unique month long educational program designed to introduce students in geophysics and related fields to "hands on" geophysical exploration and research.
Southern California Earthquake Center
SCEC offers two internship programs each summer. One is for primarily earth science or related majors while the second is designed for primarily computer science students, but all other majors are welcomed.
Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG)
The SEG Education portal offers students opportunities to increase their geoscience knowledge, utilize their skills and network with peers, educators, employers and experienced professionals.
Council on Undergraduate Research (CUR)
The mission of the Council on Undergraduate Research is to support and promote high-quality undergraduate student-faculty collaborative research and scholarship. Annually CUR holds a "Posters on the Hill" session to help the scientific community ensure that those in the U.S. Congress, who provide funding for science and science education, have a clear understanding of the programs they fund and why these programs are important.
Pathways to Science
Pathways to Science supports pathways to the STEM fields: science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We place particular emphasis on connecting underrepresented groups with STEM programs, funding, mentoring and resources. Use this website to find programs such as undergraduate summer research opportunities, graduate fellowships, postdoctoral positions, as well as resources and materials pertaining to recruitment, retention, and mentoring.