A resource for those interested in running a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site, or for those scientists interested in building up an undergraduate research program within their lab or department.
Running an REU is a rewarding yet challenging endeavor. REUs are a well-established way to engage undergraduate students in research, build self-confidence and create a sense of belonging for students who might not see themselves entering STEM careers. WThis handbook provides easily accessible information on the steps to create and run an REU program. It provides a guided walk through designing an REU, recruiting and selecting students, preparing mentors, team-building, diversity, equity and inclusion, and logistics. Other topics such as program evaluation, safety, anti-harassment training, and publishing your REU are covered as well. Examples, templates, and resources are provided throughout.
The content of this handbook comes from years of shared experience, materials, advice, and input from the community of REU sites funded by the National Science Foundation Geosciences (GEO) Directorate. The community of REU site managers engages and collaborates through workshops, an email listserv, conference sessions, and the sharing of materials on a website. In this collaborative and supportive community, site managers feel comfortable asking questions, offering their experience, and sharing materials. Welcome to the REU Community!
Sloan, V., & Haacker, R. (Eds.). (2020). GEO REU Handbook: A Guide for Running Inclusive and Engaging Geoscience Research Internship Programs (1st ed.). doi:10.5065/ycba-qw42.