Whether virtual or in person, presenting research at a professional conference is a critical component of the IRIS Undergraduate Internship Program. Such presentations provide interns with the opportunity to share the expertise and knowledge they have developed through the research process and places their work within the broader context of other ongoing research. While at the conference interns have a tremendous opportunity to interact with other students and researchers about their work, while gaining exposure to the fullness of Earth science research as a viable career option.
This year, eleven IRIS Undergraduate interns will be presenting their work at the 2021 Fall Meeting of the American Geophysical Union. If you will be there physically or virtuall, please take a few moments to check out their work and talk with them about their experiences! A list of the IRIS Intern presentations can be downloaded, or the table below links to the Fall Meeting schedule so you can add their presentation to your meeting calendar.
Student, Institution |
Project |
Paper Presentation |
Anneke Avery, Calvin College |
Array Processing of Receiver Functions Across the Southern Alaska Cordillera Using 400 Nodal Seismometers |
Gwyn (Owyn) Colwell, Beloit College |
Effect of Sensor Mis-Orientations On Short-Period Love Wave Phase Dispersion Measurements in Africa |
Savannah Devine, Appalachian State University |
The Impact of Fault Friction Behaviors on Estimated Ground Motions in the Cascadia Subduction Zone |
Amanda (Mandy) Jackson, University of Washington |
Utilizing Machine Learning and Matched Filter Techniques to Expand the 2011-2012 Summerville, South Carolina Earthquake Catalog |
Estevan Munguia, University of Colorado Boulder |
High Frequency Seismic Interferometric Measurements and Characterization of StimulationvInduced Velocity Changes in the EGS Collab Experiment 1: Evaluation of the Stretching Method |
Maxim Altan-Lu Shapovalov, UC Riverside |
High-Frequency Seismic Interferometry and Monitoring of Stimulation Induced Velocity Changes in the EGS Collab Experiment 1 | S25B-0224 |
Jack Sheehan, Rice University |
Machine Learning Detection of P-Waves in Laboratory Acoustic Emission Events to Understand the Mechanics of Deep-Focus Earthquakes |
Yuri Tamama, Princeton University |
Autoadaptive Bayesian Construction of Short-period Phase Velocity Maps and Uncertainties Across Africa |
Cameron Wang, Scripps Institution of Oceanography |
Identifying lava bombs in seismometer data during the 2018 Kilauea eruption |
Joshua Watzak, Texas A&M University |
Variability and Precision of Acoustic-to-Seismic Coupling from Explosions Recorded Across Albuquerque Seismological Laboratory |
Jalissa Weekes, Fort Valley State University | Automated Post Wildfire Debris Flow Detection using Seismic Data | S55B-0142 |