This short course will be organized as a series of ~2 hour blocks. Each block will begin with a lecture by an instructor. The lecture will be followed by a hands-on exercise in which the students will be asked to apply concepts taught in the lecture. Twice per day the group will have a discussion session to allow follow-up questions and to address specific topics posed by the instructor(s) of the preceding session(s).
Students in the short course will be required to develop the design of a new application that would profit them in their research and/or the broader seismology community. Individuals or groups will present their design concept for discussion on the last day of the course. Each individual or team will be asked to attempt to implement their design during the Fall of 2011 and present results of their work as it develops to the team of instructors and the IRIS USArray Transportable Array Working Group.
Topics to be Covered in this Short Course
- Seismic Data fundamentals (sampling, external data representations, metadata, data gaps)
- Data abstraction - external formats versus object-oriented concepts of abstraction
- Scripting languages and more traditional earthquake seismic processing
- Shell script strategies
- Relational databases
- Managing network geometry data
- Managing local data archives
- The role of a database in seismic data processing
- Data access method
- DMC data access tools
- Converting data from exchange formats
- Standing Order for Data (SOD)
- SOD as a data processing tool
- Phase picking tools
- Similarities and differences between reflection processing and passive array processing
- Processing data on massively parallel computers
- Programming fast with fast programs: Python with C++, Jython with Java
- 3D visualization tools and techniques
- The process-oriented abstraction: a means to unify data processing with modeling and inversion
- Approaches to improve reuse of computer codes
- Approaches to distribute software to the broader community
- Meghan Miller, University of Southern California
- Suzan van der Lee, Northwestern University
- Gary Pavlis, Indiana University
- Eliana Dotson, IRIS PASSCAL Instrument Center
- Chad Trabant, IRIS Data Management Center
- Bob Woodward, IRIS / USArray
Steering Committee
- Meghan Miller, University of Southern California
- Gary Pavlis, Indiana University
- Suzan van der Lee, Northwestern University
- Bob Woodward, IRIS / USArray