For the Media

Resources featuring GPS / GNSS integration with the

ShakeAlert® Earthquake Early Warning System

Animation and animated GIFS: Using GPS to Enhance the Earthquake Early Warning System | Overview (Español: Uso del GPS para Mejorar El Sistema de Alerta Temprana de Terremotos ShakeAlert) 

Animation: ShakeAlert Gets a Boost with GPS Technology |  What you need to know (Español: ShakeAlert recibe una mejora con tecnología GPS)

YouTube Video: How GPS found its way into earthquake early warning

Activity triad: Discover Plate Boundaries Through Ground Motion and Deformation

Activity triad: Pacific Northwest and the Big Squeeze

Activity triad: GPS and Slow Extension Across the Basin and Range Province

Activity triad: Kinesthetic Modeling & Interpreting GPS Data Maps

Poster: Tectonic Motion Measured by GPS: Front PDF; Back PDF

Tectonic Motions Measured by GPS - EarthScope

Brochure: The Science of Geodesy (trifold): (High Resolution PDF

The Science of Geodesy - EarthScope