Pasta Quake: Modeling magnitude scale using Spaghetti

2min 41s Novice

How can I teach the difference between M 6 and M 9?

And how can uncooked spaghetti noodles help teach about the logarithmic nature of the magnitude scale? 

Understanding the magnitude change, thus the relative energy released from say, magnitude 7 to magnitude 8 can be challenging. Dr. Robert Butler (Univ. Portland) uses spaghetti to illustrate the concept by breaking pasta to show how each step up in magnitude represents a huge jump in the size of the pasta bundles. Each step in magnitude is represented by 32 times more spaghetti noodles.

In this video Dr. Butler rounded down to a factor of 30 to simplify the multiplication. 

But, technically speaking, whole unit of magnitude represents approximately 32 times (actually 10**1.5 times) the energy, based on a long-standing empirical formula that says log(E) is proportional to 1.5M, where E is energy and M is magnitude. This means that a change of 0.1 in magnitude is about 1.4 times the energy release.

This explains why big quakes are so much more devastating than small ones. The amplitude ("size") differences are big enough, but the energy ("strength") differences are huge. The amplitude numbers are neater and a little easier to explain, which is why those are used more often in publications. But it's the energy that does the damage.


If one strand of pasta represents magnitude 5, how many pasta noodles represents:

  • magnitude 6?   30
  • magnitude 7?   900
  • magnitude 9???



  • What is the difference between Magnitude and intensity? 
  • How can we demonstrate intensity? (Shake a table)

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Related Fact-Sheets

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Related Lessons

Learn about the earthquake magnitude scale and changes in the amount of energy released at each step by breaking different size bundles of uncooked spaghetti noodles! Students can both see and feel the differences in the energy released from a M4 - M8 quake. 


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