IRIS Earthquake Browser Open


The video on the right is a tutorial on how to use the IRIS Earthquake Browser. The IEB is an interactive tool for exploring millions of seismic event epicenters (normally earthquakes) on a map of the world. Visitors can query the database of millions of events based on earthquake magnitude, depth, timing, and location. Results are displayed on a two-dimensional map-view where the user can toggle features like plate tectonic boundaries, terrain or satellite mapping, and zoom to make the map as informative and as visualizing appealing as possible. Selections of up to 5000 events can also be viewed in profile and freely rotated with the built in 3D viewer. No plugins (like Flash or Java) are required. Notably the query, with (almost) all of its settings, can be bookmarked, emailed and socially shared. The data can also be viewed as a sortable table or exported as a csv file for analysis in software like Excel, R, etc. IEB is very easy to use and has value both educationally and for some scientific research-related purposes.

Click the "Open Resource" button to the right to go directly to the app!

While IEB was initially develop by a software engineer at the IRIS Data Management Center, it has been refined and tailored by the EPO program to make more useful by an educational audience. Such refinements were also aimed at incorporate some of the functionality from the Seismic Eruption software developed by Alan Jones into a web-based tool.  The original Seismic Eruption software is still available and can be downloaded for Windows-based PC environments (Download .exe file). 


  • An interactive map for exploring millions of seismic event epicenters (normally earthquakes) on an easy to use map interface.
  • Events can be viewed in 3D and freely rotated.
  • Events can be viewed in a table form and exported for analysis in Excel
  • Navigate from IEB into the IRIS data archives to access waveforms (seismograms) from the event or IRIS data products such as EQ Energy  Ground Motion Visualizations  Moment Tensors, and Back Projections

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      as they appear in the first animation, and
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GIFS for select segments included as optional download.

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NOTE: Out of stock; self-printing only.

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