Seismic Facies Mapping

Date: October 31, 2016 1min Advanced

  • Exercise
  • Lecture
  • Exercise Materials - Seismic Lines
  • Solution to the Exercise
  • Introduction to the Exercise
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Given a set of sequence boundaries, we want to predict lithologies within each sequence with seismically-derived information and begin to consider where potential reservoir rocks offer us a drilling target. Our goal is to predict where we have potential reservoirs capped by potential seals. 

Divide the class time into three (3) segments: a review of the previous exercise, the lecture, and an introduction to the exercise presented here. The review of the previous exercise has five (5) slides and will take ~10 minutes to discuss. The lecture material contains eighteen (18) slides, and will take ~35 minutes to explain. The introduction to the exercise here has five (5) slides, and will take ~15 minutes to explain.


At the end of this lesson, students should be able to:

  • Define the terms depositional sequence, seismic facies unit, and seismic facies analysis
  • List the components of a seismic sequence analysis
  • Define and describe the ABC method

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