What are all the different parts of the seismic station?
This rollover shows all the parts to a typical under-ground USArray seismic station, and how it works. Push the "Watch an Earthquake" button to see how the energy goes from the ground through the station to a distant computer.
ABOUT TO GO AWAY: IRIS is going to discontinue Flash animations in 2020. If you have a Flash player app and would like a copy, download this .swf file.
In addition to watching an earthquake arrive at this seismic station, you can roll over the gray buttons reveals animated information about:
Animation of the principles of a drum-style horizontal seismograph station that records back- and-forth (N-S, E-W) movement.
Animation of the principles of a drum-style vertical seismograph station that records up-and-down movement.
Animation of the principles of a drum-style vertical seismograph station that records up-and-down movement.
Data visualization of the data generated by over 400 seismograph stations in response to the February 21, 2008 earthquake in Wells, NV.
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