Türkiye—Earthquakes and Anatolian Plate Tectonics

10min 31s Novice

On what basis were the 2023 earthquakes forecast?

Many large earthquakes have occurred in Türkiye, including the devastating 2023 earthquake doublet. The region surrounding Turkiye is broken into microplates, including the Anatolian Plate that contains most of the country of Türkiye. This animation examines the tectonic setting and history of the largest quakes.


  • Overview and seismicity
  • Rates of North Anatolian Fault Zone Displacement
  • Earthquakes from 1939–1999; Westward Progression of Earthquakes
  • 1999 Izmit Earthquake
  • Istanbul Earthquake Hazard
  • West Anatolia Extension Zone
  • East Anatolian Fault Zone Tectonics & Rates of Displacement
  • February 6, 2023 Kahramanmaraş earthquakes

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Animation Novice

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