ShakeAlert: Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast

4min 35s Novice Spanish

Why is ShakeAlert® useful to me?

The ShakeAlert®( Earthquake Early Warning System for the West Coast of the United States is managed by the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). This animation demonstrates how the ShakeAlert System works starting with the detection of ground motion and moving data to a processing center where it is analyzed. If an earthquake fits a certain profile, a data package called a ShakeAlert Message is issued by the USGS and is made available to distribution partners who develop and deliver alerts that could prompt people to take a protective action such as Drop, Cover, and Hold On or trigger an automated action such as open a fire house door. Made in collaboration with the USGS and ShakeAlert partners in Washington, Oregon, and California.

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  • More than 143 million people in the United States are exposed to potentially damaging shaking due to earthquakes
  • With even a few seconds of warning, ShakeAlert can save lives and reduce injuries
  • ShakeAlert is not earthquake prediction, rather a ShakeAlert Message issued by the USGS indicates that an earthquake has begun and shaking is imminent.
  • Alert delivery will come by public and private means (internet, radio, television, cellular), including WEA alerts delivered by FEMA’s Integrated Public Alert and Warning System (IPAWS).
  • ShakeAlert is one tool in the earthquake resilience toolbox. Other tools include participating in long term preparedness efforts, practicing protective actions, and participating in exercises such as the Great ShakeOut.

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NOTE: Out of stock; self-printing only.

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