Pet Preparedness

1min 48s Novice

Used with permission from:

Include your pet in your family’s preparedness plan!

In the event of an earthquake or other disaster, dealing with a missing pet or being unable to feed your four-legged family member can add extra, unnecessary stress. Plan ahead by creating a go-bag for each of your pets, in case you need to evacuate or are unable to access services. This should include at least three days of food, water, and medication for your pet, plus a collar, ID tag, and microchip information, if applicable. Other useful items include a crate/carrier and a photo of you with your pet, to help reunite you in case of separation.


  • Pet preparedness is an important part of your family’s overall preparedness plan
  • A pet go-bag should include food, water, medication, and other essential items you will need if you are forced to evacuate or are unable to access services.

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